Wu Style Tai Chi

Wu style Tai Chi.

Wu style is known for its slanted body position to maintain spinal structural unity and alignment. At Chung’s school of tai chi we have had the opportunity to study both the Hong Kong version and the Shanghai version of Wu Tai Chi.

Wu is one of the five major styles of Tai Chi. It is appropriate for all ages and can accommodate people of all physical capabilities including those with physical limitations. It is a non-impact, weight bearing form of gentle exercise. In addition to strengthening muscles, increasing bone density, improving flexibility and balance, it is called "moving meditation."  It has been shown to have a positive impact on the functioning of the immune system.  At Chung's School, we teach basic exercises, forms, chi kung (breathing exercises) as well as self-defense applications of Tai Chi. The head Tai Chi instructors are Henry Chung and Yolanda Quintero.

Wu Tai Chi is under the direct control and supervision of Sifu Eddie Wu Kwong Yu, Fifth Generation Grand Master, and eldest son of Master Wu Tai Kwei, the head of the Wu Family and Gatekeeper of the Wu Style Tai Chi Chuan. Yolanda and Henry Chung study under Sifu Wu's Disciple Sifu Genie Parker in Ann Arbor, Michigan and attend regular training with Sifu Wu. 


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